Splice Vision


The Splicevision is a Brazilian clone made by a telephone company called Splice. This console did not have much success as it was more expensive than the competitors (Atari 2600 and Odyssey 2). Splice also published over fifteen pirated games.


The Splicevision is mounted in a hobby kit box, the type that is commonly available in any electronics store. The controller connector is also quite different than that of the ColecoVision e.g. they are round. The only things similar are the expansion slot and the mechanism for the entry of the cartridges. They are protected, respectively, by a sliding mechanism and a spring hatch. And despite the console expansion slot, most of the modules of the original Coleco did not fit properly: either it is impossible to use the on / off switch, or it is impossible to properly fit the controllers.

The cartridges are larger than that of the ColecoVision cartridges, and they depict much different art work. The opening screen shows Splicevision instead of ColecoVision with the same type of lettering and colors. The name of the games have been modified, e.g. Monkey Dong (Donkey Kong), Jaxxon (Zaxxon), Aventura (Venture), etc.


The Brazilian company Microdigital presented this clone at the “Informática 83”. They also announced it in a popular magazine of the time; however, it was never released.

Bit Corporation Bit-90

The BIT-90 was a system released by Bit Corporation. The system is compatible with ColecoVision game cartridges. Bit Corp (a Taiwanese company) also made of the Dina/Telegames Personal Arcade clone.

Splicevision Open Kit


Splicevision Brown


Splicevision Boxed


Splicevision White




Splicevision Controllers Attached


Onyx System


Onyx Flyer


