Colecovision Tawain Cooper Box Photos

Box Variations

Spinnaker Software released games for many systems (Commodore 64, Atari, Apple, etc.) but used identical boxes for all of them. Labels were added to identify the system the game was made for. The company started to release games in clamshell boxes and eventually switched to large cardboard boxes. The last games were released in small cardboard boxes. The box format was probably changed to reduce packaging cost.

Clamshell & Cardboard

Spinnaker Box Formats

Game Clamshell Large Cardboard Small Cardboard
Alphabet Zoo Yes Probably Yes
Jukebox Yes No No
Fraction Fever Yes Yes Yes
Facemaker Yes Probably No
Make-A-Face No No Yes

Facemaker / Make-A-Face

On the last Facemaker box, the name had been changed to Make-A-Face. It is very peculiar that only the name on the box was changed, while the manual and the game label retained the Facemaker name. A Make-A-Face box would be a rare find indeed.

Spinnaker Box Formats


American / Canadian

The majority of American and Canadian boxes are identical except for the Canadian versions which are bilingual (English / French).

Victory Box Formats


The only significant variation came with the game Mr. Do!. On the first box version, the arcade console graphic was reversed in comparison to other boxes with the arcade console graphic. In addition, the first box rendition depicted the “For ColecoVision” graphic. On the second box version, the arcade angle was corrected and the graphic changed to “For Colecovision and Adam”.

Mr Do! Formats


Coleco Family Learning Software

There is a difference between the ‘Coleco Family Learning Software’ sold in the USA and Canada for the six games made. The American games came in plastic clamshell style, while the games distributed in Canada were in cardboard boxes. Everything on the boxes was identical except for the languages.

Coleco Family Learning Software


Side View


Insdie View (Canadian)


Insdie View (USA)

Game American Clamshell Canadian Cardboard
Smurf : Paint 'n' Play Workshop Yes Yes
Fortune Builder Yes Yes
Telly Turtle Yes Yes
Monkey Academy Yes Probably
Brain Strainers Yes Yes
Dr. Seuss : Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler Yes Yes

Coleco : BC II : Grog's Revenge Boxes

Both boxes show the character Thor, but their designs are different. The American version is unique, while the Canadian version is the one used for other videogame systems.

BC II - Grog's Revenge Front


BC II - Grog's Revenge Back


The labels on the cases were different as well. The American label was standard, while the Canadian one was black & white and bilingual. Note that this game did not come with an additional French label since the original label had already been in English and French. The presentation format of the American manual was consistent with the last manuals, while it was in line with the game concept. The Canadian version returned to the format of the first games.

BC II - Grog's Revenge Labels


BC II - Grog's Revenge Manuals


Even the game rom and the introduction was different. In the American version, the first screen had the standard intro with the ColecoVision logo and the second screen was the game selection. In the Canadian version, the first screen had blue background with “Coleco Canada Presents”, the second had the credits, and the third had the game options.

American Screen One


Canadian Screen One


American Screen Two


Canadian Screen Two


Canadian Screen Three


Coleco : The Dam Busters

While the graphics and images on the boxes were completely different, the Canadian box was thicker than any other box made by Coleco. It was similar to a generic box made by Activision. Coleco Canada used this type of box because of the large amount of paperwork that came with the cartridge (see below). ke a generic box made by Activision. Coleco Canada used this type of box because of the large amount of paperwork that came with the cartridge (see below).

Dam Busters Front View (USA/Canadian)


Dam Busters Back View (USA/Canadian)


Dam Busters Side View (USA/Canadian)


The labels on the cases were different as well. The American label was standard, while the Canadian label was black & white and bilingual. Note that this game did not come with an additional French label since the original label had already been in English and French.

Dam Busters Label (USA/Canadian)


The American version manual included only two booklets (Training Manual & Mission Guide), while the Canadian version had a confidential sleeve that included notes, messages and a map. These were bilingual, which doubled the number of manuals.

Dam Busters Manual (USA/Canadian)


Dam Busters Manual (USA)


Dam Busters Manual(Canadian)


While there was an overlay for the American version, the Canadian version did not have one.

Dam Busters Overlay (USA)


The rom and introduction were different. In the American version, the first screen had the standard intro with the ColecoVision logo, and the second screen was the game selection. However, in the Canadian version, the first screen had the name of the game on the top and the credits at the bottom. The second screen was identical, with game options.

Screen One (USA)


Screen One (Canadian)


Screen Two (USA)


Screen Two (Canadian)
